FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How long does shipping take?

Shipping time is estimated from 1-6 days. Once order is confirmed, customer is able to view tracking information and track the package.


Do we offer delivery?

Yes, Designer Diamonds. Co offers delivery within the zip code 30906 (We are located in Augusta, GA). If customer is not located within this area, shipping is always available.

Can we customize watches?

Yes. Watch customization is now an add-on service, please either measure your wrist and tell us your wrist size (in inches), or tell us how many links you would like us to take out of your watch.

How long do custom chains take to make?

We now offer custom diamond chains, and they all have different production times. Please read the fineprint when purchasing, as production time may take up to three weeks.

Are Cuban links one-size-fits-all?

No. Cubans are made to fit different size ankles, wrists, and necks. Cuban links are not adjustable, so please read carefully when purchasing Ca$h Cubans.

Does our jewelry turn?

Our jewelry is composed of cz diamonds, which are able to get wet, but not invincible to water. To have your jewelry for a long period of time, we highly recommend keeping diamonds away from water for longevity.